-6.2 °C
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Opening on February 11 at 14.00!
Web cameras
Ski Passes 24_25
Working days 1 h 2 h 3 h 4 h +1h


Ticket office




17 €




20 €

17 €


25 €

22 €


30 €

27 €


8 €


Kids up to 12 years *

People with disabilities *

The Retired (except service pensions) *

Ticket office





9 €





11 €

10 €




13 €

12 €




15 €

14 €




2 €


'Pedestrian' pass ** 5 € 5 €      
Seniors 75+ free of charge
Weekends and holidays 1 h 2 h 3 h 4 h +1 h


Ticket office



17 €



22 €

19 €


27 €

24 €


30 €

27 €


8 €


Kids up to 12 years *

People with disabilities *

The Retired (except service pensions) *

Ticket office






9 €






11 €

10 €





13 €

12 €





15 €

14 €





2 €


'Pedestrian' pass ** 5 € 5 €      

! If the slopes are not opened during the designated working hours, the customer receives 100% of the value of the purchased ski pass. In other cases, the money is not returned! !


* Don't forget your personal ID document!


** 'Pedestrian' pass is valid ONLY in the Beginners Slope for an adult walking on foot and accompanying a kid learning to ski.


Riekstu Kalns, LTD reserves the right to change the price list!


Equipment for rent
  1 h 2 h 3 h 4 h +1h

Equipment set (includes skis, boots and sticks or snowboard and boots) 

9 € 14 € 18 € 22 € 5 €

TOP equipment set (TOP skis and TOP boots)

16 € 25 € 34 € 43 € 9 €

Skis, snowboard

5 € 8 € 11 € 14 € 3 €

TOP skis

12 € 18 € 24 € 30 € 6 €

Boots (slalom, snowboard)

4 € 7 € 10 € 14 € 3 €

TOP Boots

7 € 10 € 13 € 16 € 3 €


2 € 3 € 4 € 5 € 1 €


4 € 6 € 8 € 10 € 2 €


3 € 4 € 5 € 6 € 1 €

! A personal identification document is required to rent an equipment !

  • The rented equipment is for use only in Riekstukalns!
  • When you arrive at Riekstukalns, go to the equipment rent first and only then go to ticket office for the ski pass with your equipment rental agreement.
  • The equipment rental agreement is a document that must be kept till the end of your rental time and must be presented to the rent employee upon handing over your equipment.
  • When handing back the equipment to the personell, we ask you to clear it from the snow and give all of the items presentetd in the agreement together!


Instructor services


Individual 50 minute lesson with instructor skiing or snowbording costs:

 35  for 1 person

50 € for 2 persons

Ski-pass and equipment rent is not included in the price.

How to book a lesson? See here.


Equipment service

Ski service

Ski edge grinding (1)

7 €

Ski waxing (2)

5 - 7 €

Ski base grinding (3)

7 €

Ski base structure (4)

12 €

Complex service without base damages

(Package L = 1+2+3)

15 €

Complex service without base damages

(Package  XL = 1+2+3+4)

20 €

Children equipment up to 130 cm


½ a price

Different repairs

agreed with staff


Snowboard service

Edge gringind (1)

5 - 7 €

Waxing (2)

5 - 7 €

Base grinding (3)

from 7 €

Complex service without base damages

(Package L = 1+2)

10 €

Complex service without base damage

(Package XL = 1+2+3)

from 15 €
Different repairs agreed with staff


Disk golf ticket (without disks)


The price for one disk golf play set is 5 €. Disk rent is not available.